Mary-Ann Velose. Age: 22. Home Planet: Terra-Nee. Abilities: Teleportation. Captain of the Bayshed Etamitlu warship Golden Algae. Sister of infamous pirate Jeremy Velose.
Ariyah “Rimana”. Age: 25. Home Planet: Trepidusk. Abilities: Shape-shifter, Telepath. Weapons officer and first mate on the warship Golden Algae. Has scar above left eyebrow, and won’t say where she got it.
Kirotha’atay Mahershalalhashbaz “Twitchy”. Age: 23. Home Planet: Heshq. Abilities: Telepath. Communications officer on the warship Golden Algae. Slightly nervous personality (understandable, due to her name). Grew up on the planet Remost, and home schooled until she went to the naval academy.
Luke Carter. Age: 24. Home Planet: Machal. Abilities: Fading. Computer officer on the warship Golden Algae. Very intelligent, created a fire that couldn’t be put out with the help of Paulo Batnter. For which he was kicked off the planet Lemarac.
Paulo Batnter. Age: 24. Home Planet: Machal. Abilities: Fading. Helm officer on the warship Golden Algae. Created a fire that couldn’t be put out with the help of Luke Carter. For which he was banished from the planet Lemarac.
Greg Fetisoff “Gazook”. Age: 64. Home Planet: Xzob. Abilities: X-ray vision. Main engineer on warship Golden Algae. Knows engines, and does his job well. When there’s anything to do. At all other times he sleeps. The quintessential grandfather.
Mike Bayou. Age: 19. Home Planet: Xzob. Abilities: X-ray vision. Main doctor on warship Golden Algae. Disturbingly young, but a good doctor nonetheless.
John Nevir. Age: 47. Home Planet: Remost. Abilities: Invisibility. Cook on the warship Golden Algae. Perpetually depressed, and a very good cook despite it all.
Jeremy Velose. Age: 28. Home Planet: Terra-Nee. Abilities: Teleportation. Pirate, and captain of the ship Purple Sands (all other colors were taken). Brother of Mary-Ann Velose, and very aggravated with government policies. Second-most wanted pirate in Herol territory.
Harvey Macbeth. Age: unknown. Home Planet: unknown. Abilities: Telepath. Captain of the pirate ship Happy Birthday. Most wanted pirate in Herol territory. Nearly nothing is known about him, but he knows nearly everything.
Admiral Resop. He’s an admiral. Fear him. That’s all you need to know.
Bob Bhek. Age: unknown. Home Planet: none. Abilities: erm… He’s a space sheep. With all the abilities thereof. A lieutenant on the warship Golden Algae. Long story. Don’t ask.